How We Feel About the Future

Late-stage capitalism; post-truth; climate apocalypse; permanent crisis – for years now, we have been told that we’re living an end of an era. Well, if this – whatever this is – is ending, what comes next? That depends on who you are talking to, and it ranges from extinction to […]

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10 Essential AI Considerations for Boards and Organisations

Future-ready businesses not only outperform the average, but also significantly outshine them, enjoying 33% higher profitability and a staggering 200% greater market capitalisation. When it comes to the future, all roads seem to now point to AI, but its implications for organisations and the adoption of AI tools remain less […]

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Revisiting The Dark Mountain Project in the Age of Climate Anxiety

Welcome to the long emergency. Whether it’s the Mediterranean or Hawaii on fire, China and Slovenia flooding or the Arctic melting at unprecedented rates, climate change is not something anyone can hide from anymore; not physically, and certainly not intellectually. This is Lahania, Maui, before and after the fire that […]

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Introducing Mindful Automation

We have been doing automation wrong for many years; first it was just Big Data, failures and unintended consequences of which continue to fill books. Then came AI, and all the problems proliferated and got amplified further. To help organizations do better, Ethical AI frameworks were developed. A lot of […]

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AI, Automation and Work as Imagined

Right now, there’s plenty of excitement and concern alike about the rapid progress of AI. We went through a period of anxiety a decade ago, when we had the first wave of AI job apocalypse predictions. Then it waned, and much of the world now has more trouble finding employees […]

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Learning to Learn from Close Calls

Five-point summary: Flying is incredibly safe; why it is so safe is something few people pay attention to. It’s safe because of a combination of many factors, one of which are the supporting structures and practices that enable broad-based, global learning. Enabled by a foundation of an appropriate culture, one […]

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Why It’s Such an Exciting Time In Aviation

Summary: The aviation industry is living through one of the most (now positively) exciting times in its history, and will be for decades to come; this is my small take on why, including the developments I’m not 100% comfortable with. Despite being ravaged by the pandemic, and only beginnings its […]

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Still a human, but it's getting harder to tell

Beware of the Automation Point of No Return

Summary in seven points: Everything is becoming more automated. We tend to cede control to automation before it is actually ready to take over. In the process of ceding control, our skills degrade; in the first stages of this process, our past hands-on experience protects us from disasters, allowing over-reliance on automation to […]

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